today is not a bad day but im not sure for gud day either....but definitely not as bad as yesterday...evrythng is cool today and went by itself.....
hey i have a doubt....god knows all the three formats of time..i mean past present and future and he was the one who made u(for those who believe god)...then wont he know what is necessary for ur lyf??it looks funny for me when someone prays god to give him something..being a god, god should have definitely known what is nesessary and what are ur requirements..then wat is the use of asking him????if u ask him then doesn't that mean u r disrespecting him by asking wat he already knows to give or not.???...
i think u got my sincere free advice to all god believers is that what ever religion u could be,,may b Hindu, christian, Buddhist, muslim, sikh etc...watever religion ..just pray ur god and keep ur mind relaxd and cool...dont do anything else...relax in ur temple,church or mosque...and get back to home safely....try to help fellow humans and b kind to evryone...ur god wil give u watevr u required...remember.....DONT ASK GOD WHAT U WANT....HE ALREADY KNOWS IT...